Monday, October 15, 2018

Spiritual Thrill Seekers

There are some out there on the road toward God who are more like thrill seekers who go from one high to another always seeking an adventure which is more daring and exciting than the previous one. They are on the road traveled  by pilgrims who are seeking God, but just being a God seeking pilgrim is never quite enough.  Such folks are experience seekers.  If someone talks about speaking in tongues, they want to master it.  If they read a book about centering prayer, they becomes obsessed with perfecting it.  Maybe they are mountain top jumpers, never content with life in the valley.  Going from one experience to another is their definition of the Christian life.

Unfortunately, for them, listening for the Voice of God is more about checking something off the list.  Like other spiritual pursuits, it can be something to add to a spiritual resume, or an accomplishment to record in some personal spiritual account book.  But, before rushing to judgment, it must be acknowledged that there is a bit of such in too many of us.  Maybe even in you and me.  While learning to listen for the Voice of God is a worthy and valued spiritual pursuit, it can never become an end itself.  Listening for the Voice of God is not really about you and me, but about God.

Too many times we do become spiritual thrill seekers always looking for something new on the road toward spiritual maturity.  It is easy to become experience seekers.  This is what we must often confess.  "Hey, I want that..." we say.  Who is to say that we may not hear the Voice of God even though we do it for the wrong reasons?  But, always it is important to remember that what we are called to seek is not the experience, or the spiritual gift, or the exciting thing in another person's spiritual life.  Instead, what we are to seek is really a Who.  We are on this road to seek not an experience, but God. 

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