Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A Morning Voice

This morning was one of those perfect mornings.  There was a hint of the cool weather of Fall and the sun had not yet soared high enough to tell me differently.  I had settled into the work of cleaning up undergrowth around an old fallen barn.  It was easy to settle into the rhythm of the routine.  The air seemed quiet and peaceful.  And, then all of a sudden some crows set into loud fussing at the top of an old pecan tree.  Some Canadian geese took the moment to announce their arrival overhead.  By then I was listening and heard a host of birds talking to one another, two squirrels running around a nearby tree, and a log truck shifting gears a mile away as it sought to escape the bonds of the town's speed limit.
I almost laughed at how quickly the peaceful quiet became so full of noise.  And, then I heard it.  From somewhere deep within, there came this Word saying, "You are never alone."  It was not a conjured up word, or one that came out of my imagination.  It came so quickly out of my sub-conscious that I recognized its origin immediately.  It was a Voice without a voice.  Words were spoken without any sound. Some may say God never speaks anymore.  I am not one of them.  The manner in which I heard those Words within me this morning was not the first time such a thing has happened.  After a time, you learn to recognize the Voice that comes without any prelude of preparation. 
"You are never alone."  I am never really ready to hear the Voice, but there it was midst the morning routine.  Don't misunderstand.  I am not one special.  I have come to a place of believing and knowing that God does speak to us.  It is impossible to come to the conclusion that the Voice which sounded so clearly  to the men and women on the stage of the Sacred Word chooses to speak no more.  It is never a question of God speaking, but rather, one which has to do with our learning to listen and knowing Who is speaking. 

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