Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Choosing Christ.

None of us come to Jesus by chance.  It never is that we just happen to be at the right place at the right time.  And, neither do we come to a relationship with Him because we found Him.  What so many people do not comprehend as they go from one pursuit in life to another is that Jesus is seeking them.  He is the One who is initiating a relationship with us.  We sometimes talk about our finding Jesus, but to speak in such a way is to speak a truth that simply is not possible.
What makes it impossible for us to find Jesus is that we have chosen sin.  We have chosen a way of life that is incompatible with the holiness of God.  We have chosen a way of life that is out of step with the Creator's intention for us.  He intends for us live one way and we simply intentionally chose another.  To put it all in Biblical terms means acknowledging that we have sinned.  And, when we chose sin, in whatever form we choose, it inevitably separates us from God and once the separation occurs, there is nothing we can do to make it right again.
All of this speaks to why we need Jesus in our life.  Jesus is God's answer to this human problem we have created for ourselves.  Through His sacrifice on the cross, He makes it possible for our sins to be handled in such a way that we receive forgiveness and restoration of the severed relationship.  But, as always it is our choice.  What He has made possible for us does not have to be accepted.  It can be ignored.  It is our choice.  We can choose to ignore what Jesus has done, or we can choose to accept it and find that our life is once again righted in a way that enables us to once again know peace with ourselves and with God.  So, what will it be?

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