Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Journey There

Getting from where we are to where God wants us to be is not always an eagerly taken journey.   When we think about Abraham going from where he was to where God wanted him to be we are looking at more than a physical journey from Haran to Canaan.  The other journey was a spiritual journey.  The physical part of the journey ended in Canaan.   The spiritual part of the journey ended on a mountain top where Abraham declared that nothing was more important to him than God.  Where Abraham was in his relationship with God back in Haran was not the place he was when he was prepared to sacrifice his son on Mt. Moriah as a sign of the strength of his faith.
No matter where we are in our faith journey, God is surely leading us to a place where we are willing to keep nothing for ourselves and abandon everything for Him.  While it is easy to sit in some comfortable chair and contemplate such an abandoned life, it is another thing to live with the single intent to flesh it out.  It is the hard way.  It is the way of declaring that what we want to do with our life does not count for consideration alongside of what God wants to do with it.  It is the way of sacrificing right to self so that God has all rights to our self.  It is the way of wanting nothing but what God wants.

It is not a way every believer in Christ chooses to walk.  In the beginning of the journey when the emotion is strong and the determination even stronger, we are sure there is nothing we would not forsake for the sake of Jesus.  But, as quickly as someone offends us do we discover that we are more interested in being right than in reconciliation at any cost.  And neither does it take long to start pulling back from extravagant giving so that there will be enough in case God does not provide for us as we figure we need.  Getting from where we are to where God wants us to be is the hard road and few there are that choose to walk it.  But, then I am not the first one to say such a thing. 

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