Sunday, January 14, 2018

Double Promises

The last few days have been filled with gray clouds, rain that comes and goes, and patches of sunshine which cleared away the wet weather.  Mainly, it has just been gray winter days.   But, one thing noticed in these days is an abundance of rainbows.  It seems that every day one suddenly shows up somewhere in the sky to remind us that God is a promising God.  Not only is He a promising God, but He is also a promise keeping God. 
This evening's rainbow was particularly spectacular.  The whole bow was brilliantly visible from earth to sky and back to earth again.  And, as amazing as it sounds, there was a second rainbow sitting just above the first one.  Not quite as bright, but every bit present, nonetheless.  It was the kind of moment which set this evening wanderer to wondering.  Does two rainbows mean that God is going to double up on His promises?  Oh, I know the 9th chapter of Genesis speaks of a special promise being associated with the rainbow, but who is to say that it cannot simply be seen as a sign that God is keeping not just one promise, but all of them.  As I watched and marveled, I could not help but think it might be sign that I should be looking for the promises of God in my life.
Now, I know some folks who pray and ask God for a special word as the new year begins.  They either find one or one is revealed to them and they carry it with them through the year as a special word of direction from God.  While I have never sought this discipline as do some, I have decided to take in faith the words, "the promise of God" as a word to direct my path through the days ahead.  I am going to start remembering the promises of God more intentionally and look for them to become reality in my life.  It could make for an exciting year! Who knows?  It might be a year of experiencing in a new way the abundant promises of God!

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