Monday, March 3, 2025

Preparation for the Journey

Lent is only hours away now.  Worship leaders have gathered the stored ashes from last year's Palm branches and are preparing themselves to mark foreheads with them as they speak the words, "Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return."  Lent begins this Wednesday with the coming of Ash Wednesday.  Ash Wednesday worship is not a joyous celebration of worship which causes everyone to leave feeling good.  It is a service of remembering and there is much to be remembered.   

It is a gathering where those who come are reminded of the fragile nature of life.  It is an uncomfortable moment for many.  Where is it that we voluntarily go to hear someone mark us with gray ashes and tell us we are going to die?  It is a reminder of our need for repentance.  Repentance is only done when we acknowledge the sins of our heart to God and ourselves and then confess them as one truly sorry for our misdoings. It is also a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  The cross is not just a story of injustice and tragedy, but one which reminds us that divine forgiveness requires an atoning sacrifice and the heartbreak of God.  It is not a moment to be taken lightly.   

A Word from Luke 9:51 is often read as a verse which marks the beginning of the final journey of Jesus to Jerusalem and the cross.  "When the days drew near for Him to be taken up, He set His face to go to Jerusalem."  Jesus did not go to Jerusalem and then something happened which was beyond His control.  He knew what was waiting for Him in the Holy City and with intentionality born out of obedience to the Father's will, He chose to go.  It may have been evil which put Him on the cross, but it was love that caused Him to put His life in the hands of those who meant evil and not good for Him.  As Jesus journeyed in those days with the cross upon His heart, so should we journey with Him in this holy season of Lent.

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