Sunday, September 1, 2024

Favorites XII

Even though John the Baptist was deeply devoted to God and in love with the unfolding plan for the Kingdom of God, he would not be the kind of fellow a father would want to have his daughter bring home with the words, "This is the one..."  He was more than rough around the edges.  Some thought he was Elijah returned, or some wild man from the wilderness, or a man who had gone off the deep end when it came to religion.  His camel hair clothing and his beard matted with honey and locust surely did nothing to improve his first impression.  When he spoke, he told everyone there was something wrong with them and that they needed to repent. What is surprising is that people went out to hear him.   

John the Baptist would not only be unwelcome as a husband candidate for our daughter, but he would also not be warmly received in today's church.  John had a way of calling things as he saw them.  No, better to say, he had a way of calling things the way God revealed them to him.  He was brave, outspoken, unafraid to speak even at the cost of his own head.  The church may have a few prophets and preachers like him, but only a few and if John showed up, he would likely be shown to the door by four strong men who would make sure he made a exit far from the door that said enter.   

There is something about John the Baptist, though, that makes you love him and long for him.  The church needs his kind of leadership.  He was not concerned about being in the spotlight.  His primary concern was to point people to Jesus.  Being in the shadow of the Christ was more than enough for him.  When Jesus showed up, he pointed Him out to his own disciples and took no offense when they left him for Jesus.  I love John the Baptist.  I wish I had been more like him in the ministry Christ entrusted to me.

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