Thursday, March 17, 2022

The "Just Came to Talk with You, Lord" Prayer

Years ago, way back before I can really remember when, I remember a song entitled, "I Just Came to Talk with You, Lord."  It was a song that spoke of a prayer which was empty of asking, but filled with thanking and remembering.  It is the kind of prayer not often prayed by most of us.  We come to the moment of prayer with some kind of agenda.  There is something we need, or something someone else needs, and we need to make sure God knows what is going on where we are walking.    

Seldom do we come to the moment of prayer empty of petitions.  Seldom do we come to our quiet moments seeking nothing except being in the presence of the One who loves us unconditionally.  It is a different moment for us when we come to our prayer time seeking nothing but a moment to remember God's blessings, express our gratitude, and sit speaking of our love for the One who loves us so much.  The Psalms are full of verses which bring to mind memories of God's goodness and the Psalmist's praise.  It is a model which we do well to not only see, but to embrace.   

When was the last time we came to the Father with a heart which was saying, "I just came to talk with you, Lord.  There is nothing I would ask of you, I just came to be with you, to be thankful, to praise you, to love you."  It may seem like an easy way to pray, but it is harder than it might seem because we are bent in another direction.  Too much of our praying is all about me and all about what I want God to do which makes praying in this different direction a more difficult moment than it might seem.  

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