Thursday, August 12, 2021

Unique Individuals

When the Apostle Paul addresses himself specifically to the Jewish members of the Roman church, we need to remember that Paul thought of himself as one of them.  Even more than thinking he was one of them, he was one of them.  In other places we hear words of testimony from Paul.  "All the Jews know my way of life from my youth, a life spent from the beginning among my own people in Jerusalem...I have belonged to the strictest sect of our religion and lived as a Pharisee...(Acts 26:4-5).   "I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous of the traditions of my ancestors....(Galatians 1:4)  While Paul testified to being a Christian, no one could doubt that Paul had first been a card carrying Jew.      

With this in mind, it makes what the Apostle wrote to these Jewish members of the church more credible.   He knew them because he knew his own heart.  He knew what could be festering in them as those who saw themselves as God's chosen because he knew what festered in him before the Damascus Road had caused him to do terrible things against others and God Himself.  Parts of his letter seem harsh and direct to these members of the Roman church, but surely it is out of a heart filled with both compassion and understanding.  (Romans 2:17 ff.)    

The Spirit's choice of Paul as an Apostle, leader of the church, and author of what would come to be known as Holy Word was not whimsical, but purposeful.  The Spirit knows us.  He knows our heart.  He knows our mind.  He knows the environment which has shaped us.  He chooses people like Paul and, you and me, because He sees each of us as one who can be useful to moving the purposes of God a little further along the way.  Paul was a unique individual in the hands of the Spirit as are each one of us.  

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