Saturday, February 15, 2020

An Emerging Revelation

Why I am surprised when I am reminded of how much I do not know is something that amazes me.   I should not be amazed.  Yet, still I am.  A few days ago while reading "The Book of Creation" by J. Philip Newell, I came to such a moment.  Like you I have read the creation account in Genesis more times than I can count, but Newell caused me to read it differently as he wrote about the fifth day, "With the birth of the creatures there is the emergence of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching."   As Newell uses the word "emergence," he reminds us that such is the very nature of creation.  It is forever emerging.

And even as the creation is constantly emerging, so is the Creator making Himself known to the creation.  God is not someone Who can be known by a single title or description.  He is greater than all the names we might give Him and He is forever and constantly revealing Himself in ways that astound us.  Figuring Him out is not something which is going to happen.  Neither will He act and reveal Himself according to our expectations.  As there is an emerging quality about the creation, so is there an emerging quality about the Creator. 

What I do not know about the Creator of the creation is far more than the sum of all the things I call myself knowing.  As soon as the eyes of the heart catch a glimpse of the holy, it is no more.  Someone wrote the other day in a note that we never step into the same river twice.  It is indeed a powerful image that reminds us that what we know and experience in our relationship with God is never what is was yesterday, but instead, it is always emerging into something never before known and experienced. 

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