Thursday, May 10, 2018

Behind the Plan

Anyone needing any evidence of the love of God only needs look toward the cross.  Our sin is what made the cross necessary, but it was not prompted by our sin as much as it was the love of God for each one of us.  The most memorized verse of Scripture begins with the words, "For God so loved the world..." (John 3:16)  It does not say, "God was so concerned about the sin of humanity," although He was and is, but instead, it speaks of the act of the cross being one which speaks of God's love for humanity.

It does not take a particularly brilliant person to acknowledge that we have made a mess of things.  The creation has been abused in a mindboggling manner.  Humankind seems intent on learning new ways to destroy both the creation and others who share life as a part of the creation.  And even though a case can be made that we are much smarter and equipped with life changing technology, the problem of sin is as much with us as it was with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Evil.  We have not learned much about living.  We still insist on doing it the wrong way.  We still seem bent on ignoring the way the Creator intended for us to live. 
God's response to all of this is illustrated so very clearly in the parable of the Prodigal Son.  God's response to us is not one of the judgment passer, but as the Father who loves beyond understanding.  The gospel lesson begins with the love of God for each one of us.  It is His love which is the driving force behind His plan for our deliverance from our own willful disobedience.  Jesus has come.  He has lived and died and been raised from the dead.  Everything about what He has done expresses God's love for us. 

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