Saturday, February 21, 2015

Not Yet Ready

Unlike today's clergy, Jesus was not into adding folks to the roll.  If He was dreaming of being the spiritual leader of a mega church, He would have responded differently to those three would-be disciples on the road.  While James and John were still fuming about the disrespect shown to them and Jesus by the Samaritans,  Jesus has conversations with three who seemed on the surface to be candidates for discipleship.  The first one was filled with such enthusiasm that he promised to go with Jesus anywhere.  Had Jesus told him what was ahead at Calvary, his brash enthusiasm likely would have cooled.  The second was ready to go, but only after he took care of something seen as a greater priority.  And the third was eager to follow but first he wanted everyone else to know of his noteworthy intentions. 
Jesus left all three where he found them.  One was left with his enthusiasm; another with what was seen as more important;  and the third with the requirements of his ego.  Jesus had no time for such as these.  He was going to Jerusalem.  He was going to Jerusalem to die.  There was no time for those who saw discipleship as something other than the priority of their life.  Jesus had no time or energy for those who were concerned about being inconvenienced by the demands of discipleship.  He was on the road of sacrificing everything and there was no time for those who wanted to find an easier way.

And so these three found themselves watching Jesus go on down the road without them.  It should have no surprise if they had been listening to something He had said just before starting that journey to Jerusalem.  Back before the mountain, He told His disciples that anyone who wanted to be a follower must put aside considerations for self and daily go after a lifestyle which centered on voluntarily embracing the consequences of such a choice.  Those three would be disciples were a long way from that kind of faith decision which remains true of many who would call the name of Jesus today. 

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