Friday, March 27, 2009

Bookend Experiences

What a day! As I walked away from the cemetery a short time ago, I could not help but note the differences and the similarities between morning and afternoon. This morning it was my great privilege to be with someone as she invited Jesus to come into her life. It was the beginning of the journey of faith! Heaven, no doubt, rejoiced! This afternoon I officiated at a memorial service as we noted the completion of a mother and grandmother's journey. While there was evidence of much grief in the place where I was standing, heaven, no doubt, rejoiced!
What a blessing it was to be in both places. I had anticipated the afternoon memorial service, but the ministry of the morning came quite unexpectedly. It served to remind me of what this journey of faith is all about. It is not just a thing that makes us feel better. It not just something which speaks of stepping into the tradition of our family. While our faith certainly impacts us in the present moment, it is at its core something which speaks of a journey with Jesus which begins here and continues for us as we step from the darkness of death to the light of resurrection. Even though we may sometimes be shy in our conversation about it, what we are dealing with is really something that has life and death implications.
My bookend experiences for the day have given a clear reminder of this truth. This faith we embrace is not something of the "take it or leave" category. Today I was reminded again that this faith is a life and death issue and nothing less.

1 comment:

Yoon said...

Whenever I see someone who accepts Jesus, I could really hear "Hallelujah" chorus from the heaven. I had also heard the rejoyful hallelujah at several funerals too. I was always curious whether the angels sing really the song or not. ^^ However, I am sure that God's happiest moment when the lost come back.