Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Everyday Calling

It is easy to fall prey to the false idea that God's call goes out only to the clergy. The truth it there are no spectators in the Kingdom.  Everyone who says "Yes" to Jesus is called to serve.  Baptism is a public announcement to the world that we are ready to do whatever God calls us to do. Not a one of the twelve disciples were seminary graduates and neither did any of them have aspirations to become one.  Many of them were called from fishing nets to serve Christ.  As we look at the Biblical giants, we see that none were born with a wish that would put them in place of confrontation with the political powers of their world. They would have been content to fish, or to tend sheep, or to take care of sycamore trees.   

The church has at times presented the call of God in such a way that those being called to full time ministry might hear it without engaging the energy of those whose hearts were simply bent toward service for the Christ.  There is too much work that needs to be done in the Kingdom for anyone to think that only an elite group are called.  Everyone is called.  We are all called.  The ministry of the church and the Kingdom is too great not to involve the many instead of the few.   

The question we all need to be asking ourselves is the question which asks God what He has for us to do today.  Or, maybe another possibility is that our morning prayer should include some personal word from us that we are available to do whatever He wants us to do.  "Lord, if there is something You want to get done today and I can help, please know that I am available,"  is a good word to begin each day.  But, there is one more thing.  Once we declare ourselves available to whatever He might call us to do today, we should enter the day full of expectancy and with eyes wide open.

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