Thursday, January 27, 2022

The First Home

The Word tells us our first home was a garden.  The Garden of Eden was written on the sign at the gate.  It was the abiding place of the couple known as Adam and Eve, but more importantly, it is the first place noted as a place where God walked midst the creation of His hands.  It is, therefore, not only remembered as our first home, but also as a time when there was a perfect kind of relationship between us and the Father God who brought us into being and placed us this wonderful garden where everything was rightly connected to everything else.    

It has been a long time since we have been garden dwellers.  Since the days of Genesis, there has been this constant movement of the masses away from garden like places which provide solitude, silence, and an awareness of God moving in our midst.  It is also true that the movement is more about the spiritual part of our life than the geographical setting.  Though conceived and birthed with the essence of God within us, it took us only a short time to begin moving away from the source of that innate goodness to a life centered not upon the desires of God for us, but our own.    

This is the very thing which happened to the original garden dwellers and it still happens to each one of us.  To say we have forsaken home and our spiritual roots speaks of the movement we made on the road which takes us further and further from home.  Home is not just about place, but about the heart.  The road home puts us on the road to the restoration of our soul, it is about going with Him to wherever the road takes us, and finally coming to the moment of going back from whence we came which is, of course, to Him.  

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