Thursday, August 6, 2020

Journal Keeping

It has been some years ago that I started what I have come to call a "Gratitude Journal."  To be precise it was seven years ago and the inspiration was a book entitled, "1000 Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.  The book encourages the readers to write down daily something for which you are thankful.  She reached a thousand in a year, it is taking me a little longer.  It is not that I do not see things for which I am thankful, instead, I am just a lousy journal keeper. 
It is a book I read several times and have recommended on numerous occasions to friends.  I even gave copies to my daughters one Christmas along with a notebook and pen.  You might say I am a fan.  One of the things the books did was to cause me to be more aware of the blessings which are coming my way.  A second thing is that the gratitude part of the journal expanded into a section of personal reflections.  And finally, it became a place to write down the names and concerns of people for whom I have been led to pray through the years. 
In addition to personal thoughts which I wanted to remember, the reflection section of the journal became a place to record things read which seem worthy of being remembered, dreams, and bits and pieces of poetry and other writings which came to me either through reading or from friends who shared them with me.  Maybe there are others who are like me.  Maybe there are others who would think of themselves as lousy journal keepers.  It is easy for it to become a source of guilt when long times pass without entries. but once that ego demand is laid aside, the journal keeping no longer is a chore and duty, but something which helps a wandering soul to stay on course. 

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