Friday, January 24, 2020

An Uncomfortable Word

The writer of Hebrews begins with three amazing affirmations about Jesus.  The first one:  "He is the reflection of God's glory."  The second one:  ""He is the exact imprint of God's very being."   And, the third one:  "He sustains all things by His powerful word."  (Hebrews 1:3)   The third and final one causes us to remember something John wrote in that part of  his gospel known as "The Prologue."   "All things came into being through Him (The Word....Jesus), and without Him not one thing came into being."  (John 1:3)
Once again we find ourselves standing in the presence of a holy Word so far reaching that mere minds such as ours cannot comprehend.  We can catch glimpses of the truth being proclaimed in these words, but we cannot fathom the extent of the reality that everything around us has been released from chaos by the all powerful creative Word of Christ.  But, of course, the Word from Hebrews takes us beyond just the creative act to the ongoing, unending, always unfolding, sustaining acts which insure continued life for all the creation.

One of the practical things all this means is that we are never a moment, or a step away from the blessings provided for us within the creation.   Everyone we see present in our midst and everything we see in the created order around us has life and breath because of the providential power of the Creator.  While we are quick to say that the created order with all its astounding sunrises and sunsets, massive mountains and oceans, life giving plants and flowers do indeed bless us, are we also ready to say that everyone who crosses our path is also a part of this created order which lives and breathes and blesses because of the One who spoke a powerful word?  "...all things.." can be an uncomfortable word, can it not?

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