Thursday, November 14, 2019

The "Jesus plus" Heresy

The New Testament letters were not randomly written just to be keeping in touch.  Each one was written with a purpose.  To read the letters carefully is to see that the writers were aware of something happening in the church of the letter's destination.  A reading of the letter to the churches in the region of Galatia reveals two primary issues.  First, there were those present in the church who were bent on undermining the work and influence of the Apostle Paul as they claimed he was no real Apostle.  But, a more serious issue was "Jesus plus" theology being preached in Paul's absence.
The "Jesus plus" theology did not refute the importance of Jesus, it simply declared that something more was needed for salvation than just Jesus.  Some of the Jewish leaders in the Galatian church were declaring that what was needed was Jesus plus the Jewish law.  The Apostle Paul would have none of it.  "You foolish Galatians!  Who has bewitched you?...Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you heard?"  (Galatians 3:1-2)  The gospel that Paul preached was a gospel which declared the adequacy of Jesus for salvation.  Nothing else was needed. 

This "Jesus plus" theology was actually a heresy.  It was a false teaching clothed in sheep skin.  It is a heresy which still afflicts the faithful today.  From time to time we hear that in addition to faith in Jesus, we need membership in a particular brand of church.  Or, in addition to faith in Jesus, we need to tithe and go to church every Sunday.  Some might even declare that baptism is a necessary plus along with faith.  It can be most anything that we would impose upon another or ourselves in addition to  faith in Christ as a litmus test for true spirituality.  The more I ponder the Word, the more it seems that the only question is the question about believing in Jesus.  We do not need Jesus plus anything, or anyone.  Jesus alone is enough. 

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