Friday, September 20, 2019

Bigger Than Our Box

The snake story in Numbers 21 is a troubling story.  It is not the poisonous snakes in the camp of the Hebrews that is troubling although those Hebrews back then would surely disagree.  What is really troubling is verse 6 which says, "Then the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died."  Again, as troubling as the snakes might have been, the most troubling part of the whole thing is that the Lord sent the poisonous snakes among the people to bite them.
How can a spin be put on these words which makes God look better than this verse portrays Him?  Of course, the same kind of question might be raised when reading about the days before the big flood, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the people being sent into exile.  God had a hand in all these things as well.  The Scripture makes no attempt to color the events, to list mitigating circumstances, or to absolve God of any responsibility for the bad things that happened.  The same hand which provided manna and quail in the wilderness sent the snakes.  Sent the snakes to bite people. 
It is a tough one for most of us to figure out.  At first glance we read and understand that sin against God is a thing that has consequences.  The consequences of sin are never good.  There is more than truth being proclaimed when we see that the Hebrews brought punishment down on their own heads.  But, still this troubling verse remains.  The Lord sent the snakes.  How do we ever figure God out?   Of course, we never will.   Not even Jesus helps us out.  An intolerance for sin and punishing judgment was a part of His message as surely as was love and mercy.  Maybe one day when this life is history we will understand, but as for now God will remain a Mystery and He will always defy being put in the box we have built for Him. 

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