Saturday, April 6, 2019

Who, Not What

When I was a boy with an unending life stretching out into the years, I was often asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  My first answer which is interesting since I have ended up on a farm with farm work and cows was a farmer.  Later on I read about Albert Schweitzer and decided a missionary to Africa might be a good choice.  Then as I ventured into high school, I saw myself becoming a meteorologist.  Of course, just before I got my high school diploma, God stepped in speaking of a option I did not want to choose. 
It is the kind of question still asked of young people.  Of course, it is the wrong question.  The question which all of us should be asking ourselves throughout our life is not the one which starts with "What......," but "Who do you want to be when you grow up." Or, maybe it not really the question of tomorrow, but one for every day we are blessed to live this life.  Maybe the real question for each day is "Who do you want to be?"
We answer the question every day.  It is not the question which takes us into the external world, but the question which finds its answer in the internal world of our heart.  It is the question which demands consideration of priorities, values, and loyalties.  It is also the question which demands that we give consideration to the Creator God.  We will either choose to live with gratitude for the marvelous gift He has given to us, or we will choose to live as if our existence is not about Him, but about us.  It is important concern because the One who created us had a purpose in mind for us.  Those who answer well the question, "Who do you want to be?"  are those who are constantly posing a slight variation to the Creator God who set us on our way which is, "Who do You want me to be?"

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