Sunday, March 24, 2019

Unique Gifts

What we sometimes forget is that every day is unique.  It may appear to be just like a hundred other days, but the truth is that no day is like any other day.  It is a like a hundred acres of planted pine trees all lined up in a row.  Everyone planted on the same day and to drive down the road beside them is to think that they are all the same, but to get out among them is to realize that everyone is different.  So, it is with our days.  Everyone is different.  Everyone is unique.
While there may be many things which we might regard as the common denominator of our days, the only one which really counts is that each day is a gift from God.  We cannot make another one come.  Neither can we hurry it along.  We are not in charge of anything that is a part of any single day which is gifted to us by the Creator and Giver of our days.  Unfortunately, what often happens is that we forget the unique and precious nature of each day which means that we cast too many of them in the "take them for granted" pile.
The Word tells us our days are numbered.  It tells us that our Creator separated the day from the night and "let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years."  (Genesis 1:14)  There are no do-overs when it comes to making the most of the day which is given to us.  And while we may want to think that making most of the day given to us is defined by productivity and accumulation, it is actually defined by how we are living in a right relationship with our Creator, other folks like us, and the rest of the created order. 

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