Monday, August 20, 2018

The Fundamental Work

A recent re-read of an old work by Dallas Willard entitled "The Spirit of the Disciplines" reads, "The church certainly is to lead the way in charitable works,...But, this is not to be the fundamental aspect of its service to the world.  Its fundamental work is to show those who gather in its meetings how to enter into full participation in the rule of God where they are."  At times it does seem we have gone astray from what this author is saying.  Maybe there have been times when we have thought the church had lost its moorings, or maybe its way.
I have known churches that were known for a lot of things.  I remember one known for its missionary sending ministry, another for the number of people called to ministry, and still another for its historical past.  I have also known a church known for its BBQ, another for the way it ate up preachers and spit them out, and still another known for its super music ministry.  The words of this writer point us to take hold once again of the fundamentals even it means that some of the energy and focus being spent on other good endeavors is lost. 
The church is a unique community in the world.  There is none like it.  Nowhere else in our society will be find people being called to membership and involvement in the Kingdom of God.  There is no other spiritual community which connects people to God as does the community of the cross of Jesus Christ.   As the church leads us into righteous living, it has done its fundamental work.  Righteous living is not about being more pious or holy.  Instead, righteouness is about being in a right relationship with God as well as with one another.  No more is needed.

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