Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lent XVI

There are a lot of books written on prayer and I have read more than my share.  As I look at my own collection of books, I find that a great number of them center on this particular discipline.  And there are also many spiritual giants who are known well for their commitment to prayer.  When I think of people who have had a powerful influence on the work of God's kingdom, some of their names are remembered.  What is easy to do is become immersed in the reading and the remembering.  What is easy is pointing to the great men and women who have given their lives to works of prayer.  What is hard is walking the path that they have walked.
Yet, it is a path we can never really cease walking if we are serious about God.  We may wander from
the way we set out to go, but the way of prayer is like an every present beacon to the believer.  We may wander from it as a part of our daily life, but inevitably we find ourselves being drawn back into this spiritual discipline which enables us to share such intimacy with our Father God.  There are, of course, many things for which we might offer repentance in these days of Lent and our carelessness in our praying is certainly one of them.  Some times when faced with repeated failures at something so important, we become guilty enough we find ourselves ashamed to ask once again for the forgiveness we need.

God is surely never so disappointed in us that He will not look upon a heart full of regret and desire for a different way.  Struggling in prayer is not an uncommon experience for most of us.  But, it is too important for our spiritual health to give up on ourselves and the value of this particular spiritual discipline.  Regardless of how tough it has been lately, jump back into that stream of prayer going on all around us and once again know the grace and mercy of a God who seeks us more than we have ever thought of seeking Him.

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