Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Advent IV (Romans 13:11-14)

Father God, I wish You did not know me so well.  I am too much like those disciples who slept while Your Son agonized in prayer.  I miss out on a lot of what You are about in the world and around me because I spend all my energy dong other things.  Lesser stuff.  Things that really don't count for much.  And so like now, I am tired, worn out and here too much for duty and not enough for reasons of "want to."  Time really is getting by.  I know it in my head, but Father God, I am still not living like one who has figured it out.
I really do need You.  You want to see signs of radical change in me and I keep on being content with just getting by.  To read this Word about "putting on the armor of light," and "putting on the Lord Jesus Christ" causes me to see my faith as pitiful instead of radical.  If I am ever going to wake up to how urgent the present moment really is, I am going to need You to help me.  In the past, all I have done is move forward a bit and fall back a lot.
Father God, I do want to be a follower who pleases You.  Forgive me for making room in my heart for thoughts and acts of disobedience.  Forgive me for living with an accommodating attitude toward the sin I know is present.  Forgive me, Father, and fill my heart anew with Your Spirit for the work You are about all around me.  Make me one of those who sees the urgency of the moment and helps other to see the heart of Your Son.  In His name I ask it.  Amen.

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